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CLA 3700

Classical Archaeology taught me about the history and practices of archaeology and how it compares to modern excavation. The history of archaeology is riddled with greedy grave robbers and kings looking to grow their collection of ancient art. However, we learned about the few archaeologists who introduced a scientific and structured way of preserving ancient sites. By understanding how different excavators operated their dig sites, we can analyze the modern issues of repatriation and ownership of artifacts. This class enhanced my time in Greece when I actually experienced the effects of such issues. The collections in the Acropolis Museum are incomplete because some of the best preserved sculptures were taken by the British who still have them today. However, if the British had not taken them, it is difficult to say if they would have survived in good condition. These issues are complicated and negotiations are on-going. Having now worked at a dig site on Despotiko, I further appreciate the scientific precedent that past archaeologists set for modern scholars.

RUT 3442

I took The Culture of the Cold War to fulfill my credit for the International Scholars Program. In the class we look at how the Cold War affected both Russia and America and how it still plays a major role in relations between the two countries today. For example, we interviewed people who actually lived through and experienced the Cold War first hand. The people we interviewed have been so influenced by the Cold War that it affects how they view modern politics. The class has helped me understand why the US's relationship with Russia is so tumultuous and it also has helped me view the situation from their perspective. The Culture of the Cold War has taught me how to empathize with American "enemies" and how paranoia can affect an entire generation of people as well as the children they raise.

CLT 3930

In Heros, Gods, and Monsters, we studied the mythological stories of ancient times and how it translates into modern pop culture. Ancient mythology seeps into our modern media frequently. This can be seen in shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, and Firefly. It is important to understand these ancient myths because many of its themes are seen in modern literature and media. Mythology is also responsible for several of modern culture's movie and literature tropes. By studying how the ancient people understood what was a monster and what was a hero, we can further understand how our culture defines monstrous or heroic behavior.

CLA 3151

The Pompeii Archaeology lab, while similar to the Classical Archaeology class, looked at an influential case study. This is the class that inspired my senior thesis on Female Benefactors in Imperial Rome. While Pompeii offers important insight on how Romans planned their city, it also offers insight on the social structure of their society. I was particularly interested about how women were perceived. Although it is a common belief that women had no power in ancient Rome, evidence such as the building of Eumachia in Pompeii suggests that women had more power than previously believed. Eumachia financed one of the most impressive and lavish buildings in Pompeii as a donation to the fullers, a previously scorned group of people. Although Pompeii is far from the center of Rome in Italy, it is an example of a typical Roman city. Therefore, it is telling that Eumachia demonstrates such power in a traditional patriarchy. Because so many societies in today's world are still patriarchies, it is important to understand women's roles in ancient patriarchies in order to understand how women can gain power in a world still very much run by men.

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